The air conditioning industry has seen a lot of innovation over the past few decades. These days, there are several common types of air conditioning systems you can choose from. One of them is the ductless mini split system, which consists of a condenser and an air handler. The air handler mounts through the wall and blows air directly into your room, thwarting the need for ducts.
Ductless mini splits are not for everyone. They don't cool quite as evenly as a good, central AC system. However, there are plenty of situations in which they are a great option for homes.
You have a small home or cottage.
If you have a small vacation home, cottage, or cabin, it often makes sense to install a mini split air conditioning system. This saves you from having ducts installed, which is a lot of work. The air handler can blow out enough air to cool most smaller homes evenly. Plus, you won't have excess space taken up by vents. There will just be one air handler which is usually placed high up on the wall where it's out of your way.
Your home has radiator heating.
If your home is heated with radiators instead of forced air, then it won't have ducts. While you could have ducts installed, this is usually a lot of work. Installing a ductless mini split system is so much simpler, and your HVAC contractors should not have to touch or interfere with your radiator heating to do so.
You need to cool an addition.
When people put additions on their homes, they run into a common problem. The home's HVAC system is not large enough or powerful enough to heat and cool the existing home plus the addition. A ductless mini split AC system can work really well in this case. You can install one in the addition and avoid making changes to the AC system for the rest of the home. You can pair it with baseboard heaters or a pellet stove for heating. Ductless mini splits also don't take up a ton of space, which is nice if the addition is on the small side.
The great thing about having AC installed these days is that you have options. If you are in any of the situations above, then talk to your HVAC installer about ductless mini split air conditioning as an option.
To learn more about ac service, contact a professional near you.