Tiny homes are tiny, averaging between 100 and 400 square feet. With such limited space (and minimal energy resources if it's built to depend solely on solar power), many tiny home owners decide to forego air conditioning units in favor of fans or other methods of keeping cool. However, here are two reasons why you should consider making space for an air conditioner in your budget and tiny home.

Better Manage Humidity

Most people assume their air conditioners' only purpose is to keep an area cool, but these appliances have other important functions as well. One of those includes keeping humidity at a healthy level in the home. Not only is high humidity uncomfortable, it can encourage mold growth and aggravate breathing conditions such as asthma.

Although the amount of humidity in the home can be affected by humidity levels in the exterior environment, your daily activities can also increase the moisture content in the air inside your home. Taking a shower, cooking, certain heating appliances, and non-insulated plumbing pipes can all add extra water to the air.

In a tiny home, there isn't much space to disperse this added moisture, so an air conditioner—which cools the home in part by pulling moisture from the air—can help keep humidity at level healthy for humans, furniture and other material possessions, and the home itself as well as keep you cool during hot days.

Control Air Quality

Another reason installing an air conditioner inside your home is a good idea is because this appliance is a great tool for improving indoor air quality. When air passes through an A/C unit, it also goes through a filter that removes particulates and allergens that can trigger allergies, asthma attacks, and other breathing problems. So while it's true you can probably keep cool by opening a window or running a fan, these options won't do anything for the air quality in your home like an air conditioner can and may even worsen it (e.g. opening a window will only let in more particulates).

Additionally, you can purchase filters according to the size of the particulate it will filter out. For instance, installing an HEPA filter in your A/C unit will clean the air in your home to the standards required by healthcare facilities, which is a great option if you have severe allergies or similar issues that can be aggravated by poor air quality.

There are many different types of air conditioners that come in a variety of sizes, so it's certain you can find one to fit your tiny home. For more information about these units, contact a local HVAC company.
